A Penny for your Passion
As you might have noticed, this blog has taken a turn in direction lately. I was tired of what felt like boring and uninspired posts (see my book reviews) and wanted to only post things that I, if a reader, would be interested in viewing. The number #1 quality I boiled that down to was passion. I recall funny blogger man Bryan Allain once saying that he would rather read about a subject he wasn’t interested in that was done from a passionate perspective, than a subject he was interested in from an unpassionate perspective . Or something like that. Actually, maybe it was nothing like that at all. I read the quote about a year ago and really can’t remember. But, I totally agree with what he said. Whatever it was.
Anyway, as an example, this guy is passionate about hating pennies. Am I passionate about hating pennies? Maybe not as much as this guy. But, I am inspired by his inspiration and he has turned me on to the thought of hating them. It’s like a student who eventually writes a book on World War II after developing an interest in history after having a teacher in Middle School who was passionate about history. That is what passion can do, baby!
What else does passion do?
- It cuts to the heart of what matters to someone.
- It matters to someone because it means something to them.
- It touches on deeper things that often end up meaning something to someone else.
- It brings out buried stuff in buried hearts that secretly and, sometimes unknowingly, begs for expression.
- It makes dead things or people come to life.
This guy is passionate about hating pennies. This blog is passionate about passion. What are you passionate about?
Category: Musings